How to borrow airtime on glo and 9mobile

 Are you out of airtime and you want to borrow airtime on your GLO and 9mobile sim? Read this post and don't skip any part.

In this article, this post will be about how to borrow airtime on your sim card for only GLO and 9mobile users only.

If you are using MTN and Airtel read this post here

GLO borrow me credit

Borrow airtime on GLO

Running out of airtime is not a good thing, but with Glo borrow me credit, you can borrow airtime when you run out of airtime and pay back on your next recharge.

The loaned airtime will attract a service charge of 15%, which will be deducted before transfered to your SIM.

Eligibility status;

• Be an active GLO user for 3 months.

• Monthly recharge of N200 in your SIM.

• The sum of recharge will decide the sum you can acquire.

How to borrow airtime on GLO;

• Dial *303*amount you want to borrow#

• A prompt will be sent to you for confirmation.

• You'll be credited the airtime.

9Mobile MoreCredit

Borrow Airtime on 9mobile

9mobile MoreCredit is for 9mobile users when you are out of airtime. Morecredit is available to all pre-paid customers & can be used in the same way as normal airtime.

This service applies 15% service fee and will be paid together with the loan airtime amount.

Eligibility requirements;

• Must be an active 9mobile 

• You must have made calls and recharged your 9mobile line for at least 3 months.

• The more the sum of your recharge the more the loan amount you'll get.

How to borrow airtime on 9mobile sim;

• Dial *303#

• Choose the amount you need.

• Confirm it.


Running out of airtime is never good, in time of emergency you may need to borrow airtime to make calls and buy data.

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